SUPASET 32,5R In Stock SUPASET 32,5R is a newly designed innovative cement specifically made for fast setting dark textured precast applications, better flowable concrete with less water addition,
SUPASET 32,5R In Stock SUPASET 32,5R is a newly designed innovative cement specifically made for fast setting dark textured precast applications, better flowable concrete with less water addition, lower water.cement ratio, a key benefit for higher strength gain as well as lower cement dosage. SUPASET 32,5R is manufactured out of the Hima Cement factory in Kasese, Uganda in accordance to the Uganda Cement Standard (US 310-1: 2016) adopted from the European Standard (EN 197-1). It is manufactured out of carefully selected raw materials to give the cement a dark texture, low water demand as well as high rapid strength gain, achieving more than 40% of designed strength within 2 days after application.
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